Presently on the job market, I am searching for a postdoc position in academia, government, or the non-profit sector to continue my research ambitions. In between applications, I am writing manuscripts, working with collaborators, and occasionally indulging in a project in the home or garden. I regularly contribute to the popular entomology Facebook page, Relax. I'm an Entomologist.
2015 - 2021
State University of New York - College of Environmental Science and Forestry
PhD: Environmental Biology - Entomology
2010 - 2013
University of Virginia
MS: Environmental Science - Ecology
2005 - 2009
University of Chicago
AB: Biology - Ecology
Community Ecology
What determines the composition of insect species across space? How do different systems in the landscape affect dispersal?
Parasitoid Ecology
To what extent tri-trophic interactions affect parasitoid populations? How does parasitism change across a landscape?
Invasive Species Interactions
How does an ecosystem change with the introduction of novel species?
Science Communication and Culture
How does perception of non-human life change how we interact with it? How do we judge truth and fact in the age of the Internet?